
Marley cat tries the door


Gingerbread planet cookies, now with 100% more planet-forming disks. Still to log scale! Anise arrived to keep Saffron on her toes.


Visiting my dad and the space shuttle Endeavor in CA, right before going to...


Cheetahs cheetahs cheetahs cheetahs and some other stuff in Cape Town.
Heidelberg, current record holder of the cold half of my largest 24 hour temperature swing: -5 F when I left, and 95 F when I got to Cape Town.


... will* be added at some later date....


World's best kitties acquired: Cassia and Saffron


... will* be added at some later date....


Angela and Jake got married, and I wore a pretty dress.
Puffins: puffins puffins puffins puffins puffins. You think they're cute in these pictures, but imagine how cute they are on a nesting island with thousands of puffins only feet away. Awww...
I also went camping...
... and to the beach...
... and camping on Bumpkin Island, which was like a combination of everything else I did this summer, except with fewer puffins.


Winter in Wisconsin: now with 100% more sledding
Eloping, followed by a trip to Montreal
Spectacle Island and Boston Harbor, with Cristina and little Wedge.


The epic solo observing trip to Australia and Chile, with 70 lbs of camera to lug between the two. Also, there were kangaroos and burros.
One day in May, I went in to work as usual, and there was the Fleming cannon.


I'm sure I have some pictures from 2005...


Niagara Falls
Observing Mt. Hopkins in Arizona in Jan and June


Costumes: currently featuring Halloween '03.
Panther: some silly pix from the release night after we, um, waited in line for an hour for some dog tags. Er, cat tags.
Forty: for my dearest Aunt Cathie...
Highland: pictures of Jon's and my first apartment.
Hawaii Mar '03: poking lava is fun


From California to New Zealand: research cruise across the Pacific on the Nathaniel B. Palmer.
San Francisco, Mar '02: spot the Apples.


Ge 11a: geology field trip in central California.
Santa Cruz Island: an island camping trip.
England pictures: It's all about Muffin.
Miscellaneous pictures, Summer 2001
Marley cat. Isn't he cute?
My trip to visit my grandparents in Colorado (March 2001)


My first visit with Jon's family in Wisconsin (Dec 2000)
Jon and I travel up the California coast and ward off the Evil Elk

1999 and earlier: we still used film back then, kids

Except for this, my very first digital image! Taken of me in calculus class with one of them new-fangled "digital cameras" (courtesy of my friend Cristin, that early adopter).

The hall passes of the world have suffered too long! Visit the Hall Pass Liberation Front for a photo essay on their pathetic plight. Note in 2012: site is still alive and kicking!

Prefrosh Weekend '99: some images of Caltech, April 14-18
Borrego: the desert, also April '99.
Random high-school era pictures.
Me at a costume party, August 14, 1998.
My very first kitties, Rascal and Pip


© Elisabeth Adams. Hand-coded since 1998. Universal Rights Reserved.