
Wednesday 13 September 2000: Day after elk day

Jon: Day after elk-day. It was probably the pineapple rings. We got up quite late, determined to have a bit of a hike after the strain of yesterday. We headed to the ranger station in quest of firewood, and the bookstore there had only one bundle for $5. In need of more, we went into Orick, stopping at a Redwood shop where they charged hundred of dollars for wooden bowls, and people were glad to pay. We purchased a full trunk load of wood for $5.36; it later turned out to be of varying quality but it certainly was a lot of wood.

We attempted to do a 3 mile loop on the horse-trail, only to find that it was closed. We ended up hiking the Lady Bird Johnson trail, only a mile or so, but our legs felt the stretch. Lunch was rather poor, although I liked the tuna fish (see note above about pineapple).

Elisabeth: I fared less fair from the fare, however, and feigned foolery until it felt as if I were, if fact, feral. Forsooth. It was a guided tour of sorts, though the brochure was hardly worth the $.35 to keep, except for jest. It was a nice bridge from the parking lot over the road though. That night we prepared for rain.Elk-sent, no doubt.

Random food thoughts:
Noodles are good, especially with cheese, though they don't need so much water. Salt makes things boil faster. S'mores are messy, especially if you try to melt the chocolate too. Frying summer sausage is good and even provides you with enough grease to fry potato slices (sorta). Oysters are evil. It is possible to have too many apples. Pistachio shells burn cool. Malt O'Meal is nasty even if you're starving. Dilute Simla potatoes, but the lentils are good. Baked potatoes and baked apples are good - applesauce was less successful. Mush (all sorts) never really can have too much brown sugar. Brown sugar is king. If you bring nothing else, bring brown sugar. Long live brown sugar.

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